Republican caught in Democrats territory

I really wasn't going to write about this, but I went to an election party last night and even though I was the minority, it was the first time in the last year that anyone really listened to my view. Yes, the "party" was made up of democrats for Obama and I do feel like I am in the minority. The English have an unusual amount of liking for Barack Obama and the ones that want to talk about it don't really want to hear anything negative about him. It is hard to figure out why they want him to be president of the U.S. They are quick to state that having a black would never happen here. It's almost like having a double standard.

I think our nation is going to need a lot of prayers in the coming year.


Anonymous said…
The answer is very easy...England is a socialist welfare state and they want everyone to copy them. Why do you think we left them behind?
Unknown said…
Always good to read your blogs; fun, interesting and informative..even though your are an "R"! .. LOL

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